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Sukkah City

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years, 1 month ago

On Monday, September 20, 2010, we visited Sukkah City in Union Square, where you saw 11 contemporary sukkahs. You've read about Sukkot, the Jewish festival which commemorates the harvest and recognizes the forty years that Jews spent in the desert, living in huts.


  1. At this website, you will be able to vote for your favorite sukkah (scroll down to actually vote). Take some time to really consider which sukkah you felt was the most interesting. You might use the renderings shown on the website, or the small images and descriptions in the brochure you got in class to help with your decision.
  2. In the comment box below, share which sukkah you voted for and WHY you chose this particular sukkah. Your comment should be thoughtful and well written. Please make sure to include the name of the sukkah in your comment so we know which one you are talking about. You MUST proofread for spelling, punctuation, and grammar BEFORE you post your reply. If your reply has many errors, it will be deleted and you will earn a redo, even if you reply with changes.


1. Fractured BubbleHenry Grosman and Babak Bryan, Long Island City 2. Repetition Meets Difference Matthias Karch, Berlin, Germany 3. Sukkah of the SignsRonald Rael and Virginia San Fratello, Oakland, California
4. In Tension SO-IL, Brooklyn 5. Shim Sukkah tinder, tinker, Sagle, Idaho 6. P.YGROS.CTHEVERYMANY, Brooklyn
7. GatheringDale Suttle, So Sugita, and Ginna Nguyen, New York 8. Star CocoonVolkan Alkanoglu, Los Angeles, California 9. Single Thread Matter Practice, Brooklyn
10. LOGKyle May and Scott Abrahams, New York 11. Time/TimelessPeter Sagar, United Kingdom 12. Blo Puff Bittertang, Brooklyn


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