
Redefine the Stairways

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years, 5 months ago

Due: Monday 1/3


In Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Salman Rushdie writes about the warnings that are posted on the road from the Town of G, through the Pass of H and the Tunnel of I (also known as J), in the Mountains of M, into the Valley of K.

If you try to rush or zoom
You are sure to meet your doom.
All the dangerous overtakers
End up safe at the undertaker's.
Look out! Slow down! Don't be funny!
Life is precious! Cars cost money!
If from speed you get your thrill
Take precaution - make your will!

Your task is to create similar *couplets that warn students about the dangers of inappropriate behavior in the stairways. Use the above examples, from Haroun as inspiration. However, you must spin yours toward injury to self and others rather than to death.

Think about your audience. Remember, we don’t want to scare people away. If yours is good (funny, smart, not too scary) we will post them in the hallway!

Write or type at least two couplets (four lines total) that warn of the dangers of the stairwell. You may do this work on the back of the sheet given out in school or on a separate sheet of paper.  

*a couplet consists of two lines of verse or poetry that have the same rhythm and rhyme.

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