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Mosque Trip Letter

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years ago

Dear 407 Families (and students!),


On Wednesday, May 25th we have the opportunity to visit The Islamic Cultural Center on East 96th Street (and 3rd Ave). The ICC was the first building in NYC specifically built to be a mosque in the 1960s. This will be a great field trip to continue our study of religion this year.
We will be taking the subway and bus to the center; a portable snack is important, but we will be back in time for lunch.  In accordance with the traditions of the mosque, students must wear modest clothing, long sleeves and long pants. Females must also wear a head covering in the center. We will be talking with the students about their clothing in more detail during humanities class, and we would appreciate if you could help your children find appropriate attire for the day.  

Nayantara and Holley

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