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Metric and Standard Length

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years ago

Aly, Rebecca and Eric


Metric Length and Standard Length


Millimeter: (mm) is a one thousandth of a meter

Centimeter: (cm) is a one hundredth of a meter

Meters: (m)

Kilometers: (km) there are 1000 M in a Km


Examples: 247mm equals 24.7cm



Inch: (“ or in.)  one inch is one 12th of a foot.

Foot: (ft.)

Yard: (yd.) There is 3 feet in a yard.

Mile: (mi.) There are 5,280 feet in a mile. Which means there are 63360 inches in a mile.


Example: 15 yards is 45 feet and equals 540 inches. 


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