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Metric Volume

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years ago


Metric Volume

There are two measurements of metric volume. The first measurement is called a liter (the abbreviation for liter is “l”). The second one is called a milliliter (the abbreviation for milliliter is “ml”). There are 1,000 milliliters in one liter. To convert milliliters into liters, you divide the amount of milliliters by 1,000. For example: 1 ml ÷ 1,000 = .001 l. To convert liters into milliliters you multiply the amount of liters by 1,000. For example:  5 l x 1,000 = 5,000 ml.

Additional Examples:

23 l x 1,000 = 23,000 ml

48 ml ÷ 1,000 = .048 l




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