
Fruitvale 3

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years, 5 months ago

Typed answer due on Friday.  1.5 spacing – ½ a page minimum

Uncle Al and Aunt Ethel have just bought a country house.  It is actually a small cottage but they are very proud of it.  They have asked you to visit for the week-end and your parents make you go.  The first evening after dinner, you and Uncle Al stroll round the large garden while Aunt Ethel does the washing up.  (Not at all like your home where Dad and Mum take it in turn to cook and wash up.)  Uncle Al tells you that during heavy rains earlier this month the basement of the cottage flooded.  You notice the following:

  • Uncle Al’s garden is at the bottom of a steep, bare hill.
  • The soil is rather sandy

Uncle Al asks you for advice.  He knows you are an earth science expert and feels certain you can help.  What is your advice to Uncle Al?  Please include a sketch.



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