
End of Year Trip 407

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years, 5 months ago

Lower East Side and East Village groups sing "Popular" on the subway platform:

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Dear 407 Students and Parents,
On Tuesday, June 7th, after the potluck, our class will leave for their trip. The class has been split into four groups with parent chaperones (Nancy, Amy L., Kerstin, Krista W., and Aaron). Each group will be focusing on a different neighborhood, which we will share on Tuesday morning.
The trip is designed as a culmination of all parts of their curriculum. Students will be using digital cameras to collect evidence of the 11/12s curriculum in various neighborhoods. The photos will be collected into a Power Point presentation in the afternoon, which will be shared during the half day on Wednesday, June 8th. Additionally, students will be eating lunch with their group in their assigned neighborhood, and they will compute the tax and tip.
Students should bring $15 in cash with them on the trip. If they have a digital camera, they can bring it with them, ONLY IF they can bring to school the cables that will allow them to easily and quickly download photos onto our computers at school. If you choose to send a camera with your child, please empty the memory card of other photos to help us speed up the process.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email any of your child’s teachers. We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning.
Nayantara and Holley

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