
Data Analysis

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years, 5 months ago

Science Expo 2011

Written Report

Data Analysis and Overall Conclusion


This is the part of your written report that will tie everything together.

Step One

You need to make sure you have made all corrections in your background information and method and materials sections of your report.


Step Two

Look over all your data and decide what conclusions are indicated by your data.  Using the data fill in the following sheet.  You may not have 4 conclusions or you may have more than 4 and can add additional paper.


First Conclusion

Evidence from Investigation to Support this Conclusion




Evidence from Investigation to Support this Conclusion




Third Conclusion

Evidence from Investigation to Support this Conclusion





Forth Conclusion

Evidence from Investigation to Support this Conclusion


Step Three

Turn each of your conclusions into a paragraph about what you learned in the course of your investigation.

  • You conclusions do not all need to relate to your hypothesis.
  • Unless you have conclusive data support, stress that your conclusions are only assumptions based on your data.

Use the following structure if you need to structure this section of the report. 




             The first conclusion my data suggests is …




The data that supports this conclusion is….









      The second conclusion my data suggests is …




The data that supports this conclusion is….










     The final conclusion my data suggests is …




The data that supports this conclusion is….












Step Four

Write an overall conclusion for your paper.  You should include the following.

  • A very brief restatement of the major conclusions.
  • How your ideas and views about the topic changed during the course of your investigation.
  • Problems your investigation presented and how your group attempted to solve them.
  • Questions for further investigation.  There are some. 


You may use the following structure for the overall conclusion section of your report if you wish.

The specific conclusions my data suggests are:  (Yes, you are repeating what you already said in a very concise form.)








My views about ___________have changed from


My group encountered the problem of


Questions related to my topic which we could investigate further are…..



Step Five


  1. Proofread and edit.
  2. Have a parent or adult proofread.  Then have them initial the cover sheet. 
  3. Make any corrections your parent's suggest.
  4. Turn it in with the cover sheet. 



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