

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years, 5 months ago
Buddhism Classwork
Buddhism Homework

Monday 3/28 Introduction

Observations and Inferences: Images of Buddhism


Friday 4/1
Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path


Monday 4/4


Tuesday 4/5
Jesus & Siddhartha

Wednesday 4/6

Thursday 4/7
Jesus & Siddhartha


Friday 4/8

Prayer Flag Creation


Monday 4/11
Refugee simulation


Tuesday 4/12
Everest Film
Everest Film Guide


Wednesday 4/13
Kundun Part I


Thursday 4/14
Kundun Part II

Buddhism #1 (reading handed out in class)

Due: Tuesday 3/29


Buddhism #2: Scriptures (handed out in class)

Due: Friday 4/1


Buddhism #3: Sacred Places and Places of Worship

Click on places of worship link above to complete that assignment.

Then, choose one of the following maps to analyze.

Buddhism Map 1

Buddhism Map 2

Buddhism Map 3

Buddhism Map 4

Your analysis must include: the name or title of the map (give it one that makes sense if it doesn't have one), a description of what the map tells you, an example of why the map might be helpful, and a list of at least two other questions that are NOT answered by this map. Your analysis should be between  50 and 75 words.

Due: Monday 4/4


Buddhism #4: Himalayas


Read the article that was handed out in class to learn the basics about the Himalayas. For each section (bold titles) write down at least two important facts or concepts. Label your notes so you know which facts and concepts relate to each section.

Due: Tuesday 4/5


Buddhism #5: Mudras (handed out in school) 

Due: Wednesday 4/6


Buddhism #4.5 Himalayas & Climate Change

Read the two articles linked below and answer the questions in a separate sheet of paper. They are about the effects of climate change on the mountain range.
Himalaya Glaciers Melting Much Faster
The Disappearing Glacier

What are some of the specific reasons that the glaciers in the Himalayas are melting? Use your science knowledge!

What is the effect of the melting glaciers? In other words, who cares?
Due: Wednesday 4/6


Buddhism # 6: Pilgrimages and Prayer Flags (reading handed out in school) 

Due: Thursday 4/7


Buddhism #6.5: Pilgrimages and Prayer Flags. Take a look at the slideshow below for inspiration for tomorrow's class. See below for Buddhism #7, too!

Buddhism #7: Jesus & Siddhartha (use sheet from class to help you)

Due: Friday 4/8


Buddhism #8: Tibet in Exile (reading and assignment)

Due: Monday 4/11


Buddhism #9: Into Thin Air (read packet, handed out in school)

Write about how the quotation at the end of the reading applies to what you read about.

Due: Monday 4/11


Buddhism #10: The Dalai Lama Part I (reading & assignment handed out in school)

Due: Tuesday 4/12 


Buddhism #11: The Dalai Lama Part II (reading and assignment handed out in school)
Due: Wednesday 4/13

Buddhism #12: Kundun Part I
Answer questions 1 and 2 on a separate sheet of paper. Please include an appropriate heading and proofread your work! 
Due: Thursday 4/14


Monk dancers from Shechen Monastery (Nepal) in Brittany, France.

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