
Bodies of Water

Page history last edited by PBworks 13 years, 4 months ago

We will be creating a class map that showcases our research on various bodies of water. This is a paper-free project! We will be using Google Maps to make our map.


This project is an experiment! Please remember to abide by the rules of the technology contract that you signed earlier in the year. It is important to note that everyone's work is going to be on the same map. Please be respectful of your classmates' work and do not alter or delete anything that is not your own.


There are two components to this project: research and map "making." Please follow the instructions below carefully. In Tuesday's humanities class you will receive two body of water assignments. Your third assignment will be your choice, which you must get approved by me. I will allow choices on a first come, first served basis. Each student will therefore have three map entries of at least 150 and no more than 250 words.


Posting #1 is due on Wednesday 3/2

Posting #2 is due on Thursday 3/3

Posting #3 is due on Friday 3/4


Research Instructions
Map Instructions

1. Look up one of your bodies of water in any of the following resources:

  • At school: Children's Library Databases (use Encyclopedia Britannica or Grolier)
  • World Atlas Bodies of Water (click the link to yours)
  • National Geographic
  • Any book that is in the classroom 
  • In a pinch, with approval from Nayantara, you can use Wikipedia. You need to get approval for each body of water if you want to do this! Do ask for approval unless you have exhausted all other resources.


2. Using your research, write a description of the body of water in your own words. You description must be 150-250 words and include the following:

  • Location (country, border countries, state(s), etc)
  • Size (length, width, depth, whatever is relevant to your topic)
  • At least one historical fact
  • At least two pieces of geographical information aside from the above requirements (think about how the body of water was formed, vegetation, animal life, etc).
  • Other interesting information (trade, industry, environmental concerns, pop culture, etc).


3. Proofread your work!


4. Repeat for two other bodies of water.

DO NOT start this until you have finished researching and writing up at least one description.


1. Go to Google Maps

2. Sign (top right corner) in using the 407's Google account

  • email: bankstreet407
  • password: class407


3. Click on "My Maps"


4. Click on "Bodies of Water by 407." You can explore the map freely. DO NOT change anything. You can see examples of a good entry (Hudson River) and an ok entry (East River). I expect your entries to be wonderful.


5. To add your point, click the EDIT button. DO NOT change the name or description of the map. 


6. Then, find your body of water. You can do this by zooming out and scrolling around until you find it (you should know the general area from your research. Double check your location with another map (online, book, globe, etc) or with a teacher.


7. Click Placemark button. Your cursor changes into a placemark icon with an "X." The X indicates where the placemark will fall. You can drag and move it if you need to.


7.5 Click your mouse button to place your placemark. It should bounce into place.


8. Once you have done that, a box will appear. If it doesn't, click on the placemark you just placed. In the title, write the name of your body of water.


9. Copy and paste the text of your description into the text box. Make sure your work has paragraphs please! Click OK.


9.5 Add your name at the bottom so we know who wrote it. This is required for credit for the assignment. Placemarks without names WILL be deleted!


10. VERY IMPORTANT. To the left, click SAVE and then click DONE.


Other: If you are having trouble finding your body of water on the map, make sure you are in regular map mode, not terrain or satellite.


Try searching for your location in the search box, then clicking "save to." Once you go into the Bodies of Water Map, you should find your placemark there to edit.


Photo Instructions: Photos of your body of water are optional.


1. Find a URL of an image of your body of water. You cannot upload a file to Google Maps, so having an image on your desktop will not help you. Make sure you have a DIRECT link to an image. Here is an example of a direct link to an image of the Hudson River. A direct link will usually end in "jpeg" or "gif" which are file names for images.


2. In edit mode, with the text box open, click "rich text."


3. Then click the photo or "Insert Image" icon.


4. Paste the direct link to the image. Click OK.


5. Make sure to click OK on the text box, then SAVE, then DONE.


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